Visitor information
tour announcement:
The museum is not scheduling tours at this time in order to accommodate needed renovations and repairs.
Please check back on the website for future notifications. We also invite you to join our email list to stay up-to-date on the latest news.
Thank You
Contact us
3200 Wayman Ave
Highland Beach, MD 21403

Museum leadership and board
Edmund Fleet, Interim Executive Director
Jean Langston, Immediate Past Executive Director
Dena Sewell, Director, Programming Committee Chairperson
Linda Newton, Fund Development Chairperson
Regina Jenkins, Gift Shop Manager
Carla Chissell, Treasurer
Nancy Williams, Secretary
Judy Biagas
Mildred Cannon
Carolyn Chissell*
Brenda Coakley
Geneva Hudson
Ray Langston*
Zora Lathan*
Janice Lloyd
William H. McGlockton, II
Margo Pinson
Ben Secundy
Tiffani K. Whittaker
docent team
Dena Sewell, Director
Regina Jenkins, Gift Shop Manager
Kamesa O'Neal, Technical Operations
Edmund Fleet
Mattison Goodloe
Janice Hunter
Diane Johnson
Janice Lloyd
Charles Newton
Ben Secundy
Nancy Williams
*Honorary Board Members